Afghanistan Rehabilitation And Women Education Organization

BusinessIntroduction To ARWEO

ARWEO Cornerstone: Transparency, Accountability, and Trust.


In 2003, a group of thoughtful and committed citizens came together to help and provide support to hundreds of men, women, and children who had been affected by the war in Eastern Afghanistan. The result was the establishment of the Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Women Education Organization (ARWEO). From day one, bound by integrity, perseverance, diversity, and inclusion, ARWEO’s mission was to rebuild Afghanistan and heal the wounds of people, provide shelter to and help men, women, and people with disabilities affected by war to get them back on their feet to support themselves, their families and the reconstruction process. Today, after 20 years we still stand firm to the core values practiced on day one by the founders of ARWEO to ensure that Afghanistan achieves peace and prosperity and that every Afghan man, woman, and child has access to basic needs in life. Since 2003, ARWEO has grown both in size and expertise. During the years 2005 to 2014, we significantly expanded our coverage and services to cover all 34 provinces of Afghanistan to offer services in even remote areas of Afghanistan which are deprived and left isolated. The majority of our work is done through the assistance received from national and international donor organizations and over the last 17 years, ARWEO has taken pride in working with most major national and international organizations, including, NSDP/MOLSA/MD, GAGP Embassy of Japan, ADT/PRT Kunar, CCI, CA-Kunar, RELIEF International, GTZ, ZOA Refugee Care Afghanistan, HI, Canadian Embassy, OED Germany, Swedish Committee, DAI/SIKA North, USIP, Clear Path International (CPI), UNOPS, UN-Woman, UNAMA to name a few. Over the years, to ensure the conservation and sustainability of our work ARWEO built strong networks of civil society organizations in Eastern, South-eastern, Southern, and Northern regions of Afghanistan to help them through capacity building and seed grants to assess their community needs and to develop and implement projects to fulfill those needs. Hundreds of families have so far benefited from ARWEO’s community projects implemented by ARWEO and our CSO partners. ARWEO has also helped thousands of men, women, and persons with disabilities find permanent sources of income generation by training them in marketoriented vocations to give them skills to work independently to support their families. As a result, today thousands of families have permanent sources of income and can send their children to school. In the areas of good government and eliminating corruption, ARWEO has closely worked with both public organizations and civil society to build their capacity to monitor public servants and hold them accountable in cases of misuse of their authority. ARWEO has a history of more than one & half decades of managing effective development programs for people of concern (POC) in Afghanistan. ARWEO has four main operational centers in Kabul, Kunduz, Bamyan, and Jalalabad each one employs approximately 25 staff and in 16 provinces namely, Laghman, Kunar, Nooristan, Daykundi, Ghor, Panjsher, Baghlan, Takhar, Balkh, Samangan, Ghazni, Paktika, Paktiya, Khost, Logar, and Kandahar to run a range of project activities for pro-poor, poor, vulnerable, deprived and marginalized men and women. The overall staff of ARWEO varies from 150 to 250 depending upon the availability of projects as we are donor dependent & non-profit organization. ARWEO operates under a total budget of approximately USO 11, 54,040 annually, and works with 50000 direct beneficiaries on average per year. ARWEO has formal memberships with ANCB, ACPD, ACBAR, ACSF, AFCAC, AND, AHF, ANSO, and IPYG. Additionally, ARWEO has online registration with USAID DUNS on # 561237500, MOF on # 100 885 2 083, EU PADOR # AF-2019-EYG- 0301 001122 and also registered on SAM.


ARWEO's mission is to contribute to the rehabilitation, support democracy/political process, and coordinate progress to the life-saving of humanity by assisting and empowering the suffering community through facilitating them with sustainable solutions and building knowledge and skills development.


ARWEO's vision is to develop the country's socioeconomic sector, and public political engagement and contribute to improved living conditions of war-torn humanity empowering people in a peaceful life in the country.

ARWEO Experience in Project Management

ARWEO has a history of more than one & half decades of managing effective development programs for people of concern (POC) in Afghanistan. ARWEO has four main operational centers in Kabul, Kunduz, Bamyan, and Jalalabad each one employs approximately 25 staff and in 16 provinces namely, Laghman, Kunar, Nooristan, Daykundi, Ghor, Panjsher, Baghlan, Takhar, Balkh, Samangan, Ghazni, Paktika, Paktiya, Khost, Logar, and Kandahar to run a range of project activities for pro-poor, poor, vulnerable, deprived and marginalized men and women. The overall staff of ARWEO varies from 150 to 250 depending upon the availability of projects as we are donor donor-dependent & non-profit organization. ARWEO operates under a total budget of approximately USO 11, 54,040 annually, and works with 50000 direct beneficiaries on average per year. Given ARWEO’s long-term presence in these areas, it has established excellent relationships with local communities and has well-trained, dedicated field staff and professional experience in working with vulnerable people. It is adept at carrying out needs assessments, developing strategies that respond to needs, facilitating empowerment, and coordinating with UN agencies, the Government, the Disabled, and other civil society groups in the development of its projects. ARWEO has a professional administrative structure with official reporting mechanisms and institutionalized monitoring and evaluation systems to measure the implementation and results of its programs. It is fully transparent and has undergone routine audits and external evaluations by donor agencies. ARWEO has implemented projects in partnership and has enjoyed excellent working relationships with the following reputable donor agencies and National Programs: NSDP/MOLSA/MD, GAGP Embassy of Japan, ADT/PRT Kunar, CA-Kunar, RELIEF International, UNDP, GTZ, ZOA Refugee Care Afghanistan, HI, Canadian Embassy, OED Germany, Swedish Committee, DAI/SIKA North, USIP, Clear Path International (CPI), UNOPS, UN-Woman, UNAMA, and UNICEF.

ARWEO Experience Of The Issues

To Be Addressed

ARWEO has experience implementing projects of different kinds. Over the years, it has worked with men, women, and children with various kinds of vulnerabilities and disabilities in community-based rehabilitation, such as providing physiotherapy, vocational training, mobility training, basic education, job creation, awareness-raising, and sporting events. ARWEO has been one of the first focused NGOs in Afghanistan to shift its approach in the programming framework to a rights-based approach. In 2003, ARWEO worked in close cooperation with UNDP, representatives of the ILO, and the Ministry of Labor, and Social Affairs to develop a pioneering inclusive livelihood-mainstreaming project in Kabul. ARWEO has worked closely with the UN and the government to develop the new model and document lessons learned to inform policy and programming. This project was extremely successful and has achieved excellent development results.

ARWEO Core Values

ARWEO Programs Objectives