Afghanistan Rehabilitation And Women Education Organization


  • May 12, 2024
WASH ARWEO has been working in WASH for the last 17 years, it aims to increase access to clean water, improved sanitation, and positive hygiene practices in different communities,...


  • May 12, 2024
Health ARWEO’s other main area of focus. For the last 17 years, ARWEO has been primarily working in the health sector. Today ARWEO has an edge over all other...

Rehabilitation & Reintegration

  • May 12, 2024
Portfolios Rehabilitation Reintegration Within our intervention areas, ARWEO is committed to supporting a wide range of persons with comprehensiverehabilitation and reintegration services. Supporting people with disabilities, vulnerable groups, refugees,internally...


  • May 12, 2024
Education is ARWEO’s main area of focus. Over the past 17 years, ARWEO has demonstrated significant impact and success in the education sector in Afghanistan. Through innovative programs and...