Afghanistan Rehabilitation And Women Education Organization


Following the principle outlined in the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders that “everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to promote and to strive for the protection and realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the national and international levels”; ARWEO’s advocacy efforts for human rights focus mainly on rights of persons with disabilities, youth, children, women, and men have produced excellent results over the years. The main objective behind this activity is to advocate for human rights raise voices against oppression and inequalities and implement international standards on human rights with emphasis on the rights of persons with disabilities, youth, children, men and women to promote civil society and reinforce the rule of law. ARWEO’s two decades of work in advocacy for human rights encourages the development of an environment where men, women, youth, children, and civil society organizations can operate openly and freely.

ARWEO plans for the following activities in the area of advocacy:

  1. Civic education programs for raising awareness of human rights
  2. Training and workshops on UNCRPD and NAPWA
  3. Training and workshops for youth rights
  4. Awareness of the rights of women in Afghanistan
  5. Advocacy for children’s rights
  6. Advocacy regarding education for all
  7. Advocacy for youth’s rights and responsibilities
  8. Advocacy for anti-corruption and transparency