Afghanistan Rehabilitation And Women Education Organization


is ARWEO’s main area of focus. Over the past 17 years, ARWEO has demonstrated significant impact and success in the education sector in Afghanistan. Through innovative programs and strategic partnerships, ARWEO has made Substantial strides in improving education access and quality across the country. Our efforts have resulted in increased literacy rates, enhanced learning outcomes, and empowered communities. Today, ARWEO stands out as a leader among local Afghan NGOs in the education sector, with a track record of delivering high-quality technical assistance to the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and the Ministry of Education (MOE).

 We have played a pivotal role in strengthening education at all levels, from primary to university, and have provided literacy training for adults nationwide. ARWEO’s impact extends beyond traditional academic education. We have provided English classes, computer courses, and other skill-building training for school teachers, community leaders, and students alike. Our partnerships with 15 private universities and 33 computer and English language courses have further expanded our reach, enabling us to offer quality education opportunities to beneficiaries across Afghanistan. In addition to capacity-building initiatives, ARWEO has also contributed to infrastructure development in the education sector. We have constructed school buildings in various provinces with the support of donors, ensuring that students have safe and conducive learning environments.