Afghanistan Rehabilitation And Women Education Organization

Promote Disables, Women, and Children Rights

ARWEO is dedicated to providing awareness and assistance aligned with the rights of persons with disabilities, women, and children to its targeted beneficiary group. Our goal is to contribute to the development of a more socially aware community by addressing issues related to universal rights for persons with disabilities, women, children, and Islamic rights. Through our programs and initiatives, we give our try to raise awareness about the challenges and barriers faced by these marginalized groups and provide support to help them overcome these obstacles. By advocating for the rights of these vulnerable populations, we aim to foster inclusivity, equality, and respect within society. ARWEO’s commitment to promoting awareness and assistance reflects our belief in the importance of upholding the fundamental rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of gender, age, ability, or religious affiliation.

For this purpose, ARWEO tries to: 1. Improve the ability to deliver better services to its target beneficiaries, through focusing on fundraising, quality services provision, networking, and coordination; 2. Improving the ability/capacity of the staff for the purpose through focusing on the provision of training and resources to relevant staff; 3. Focus on the provision of the services under the strategy to the whole beneficiaries group in the intervention area of ARWEO 4. Develop awareness-raising publications; 5. Expand the services to other geographic areas. 6. Construct accessible ways (ramps) to facilitate the mobility of persons with disabilities.