Afghanistan Rehabilitation And Women Education Organization


ARWEO aims to provide protection services to persons with disabilities, vulnerable people, Refugees, IDPs, Returnees, orphans, women, men, and youth in ARWEO intervention areas. For this purpose ARWEO tries to: 1. Provision of legal aid services and Alternative dispute resolution to women 2. Provision of psycho-social counseling, shelters/safe houses to vulnerable women and children 3. Referral of vulnerable women to appropriate organizations for additional assistance, such as medical treatment vocational training, etc. 4. Provision of assistance to imprisoned women to transition from prisons and shelters to live autonomously. 5. Training on women’s rights & relevant laws to law and justice sector officials and civil servants. 6. Training and support for vulnerable women to efficiently access the job market 7. Public awareness about human trafficking 8. Prevention and protection of children from the menace of human trafficking. 9. Provision of psychosocial services and effective reintegration of trafficked women and children into society. 10. Reintegration of trafficked persons with their families and society 11. Prompt medical and Psychological evaluation of trafficked persons by medical professionals and provision of medical assistance when needed 12. Provision of transitional shelter, repair of shelters, and provision of cash for winterization and other non-food items.