Afghanistan Rehabilitation And Women Education Organization

Portfolios Rehabilitation Reintegration

Within our intervention areas, ARWEO is committed to supporting a wide range of persons with comprehensive
rehabilitation and reintegration services. Supporting people with disabilities, vulnerable groups, refugees,
internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees, orphaned children, women, men, and youth is all part of our goal. We
work to address the particular needs and difficulties that each group has through specially designed programs and
activities, promoting inclusivity, empowerment, and resilience. ARWEO attempts to improve people’s social,
economic, and emotional well-being by providing a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation and reintegration,
empowering them to lead independent and satisfying lives in their communities.

For this purpose ARWEO tries to:

  • Improve the ability of the organization to plan, raise funds, and undertake the relevant intervention in the
    target areas by focusing on the identification of target areas and donors.
  • Develop the capacity of the staff and develop the training and awareness-raising materials;
  • Focus on networking and coordination;
  • Reintegrate the target beneficiaries back into their local communities
  • Provide business opportunities to the target beneficiaries
  • Equip the target beneficiaries with knowledge about different vocations and thus support themselves and their
  • Mobilize persons with disabilities and enable them to earn a good living and be a productive part of the
  • Through vocational training and basic education training, avoid youth engagement in the Anti-Government
    Elements (AGE) and insurgent activities
  • Expand the services
  • Increase social inclusion of persons with disabilities and decrease negative social stigma attached to disability
  • Improve participation of persons with disabilities in mainstream services (education, livelihood, community
    based programs) resulting in equal access to a greater range of quality services and activities
  • Empowerment of persons with disabilities to claim their rights resulting in greater social inclusion and
    decreased isolation – particularly of women.